
Our eReader Platform in a Nutshell...


Secure Distribution

Our advanced digital rights management (DRM) and encrypted digital document storage ensure that your eBooks, PDF’s or other documentation can only seen by users with the correct privileges. Our DRM is suitable for any customer who would like to protect confidential or sensitive information or publishers and e-Commerce platforms who would like to to control the distribution of content.

Advanced Research platform

By making use of annotations & digest functionality, users are able to save highlights, notes & tasks independently from content. In both educational and professional environments we are giving users immediate access to their research in an easy to use format.

White Label Options

Our readers and CMS can be customised to fit within your companies brand profile. If you’re using our CMS and reader platforms to distribute training material to your sales teams or if you’re distributing eBooks to end users both visual and functional changes can be made to suit your business and brand requirements.